Monday, July 14, 2008


I am an introvert, and sometimes that makes life scary - or maybe overwhelming. I need quiet, peace and tranquility to survive the stuff of life. Today Brennan spoke of solitude - being still and knowing that God is God. I am drawn to stillness and aloneness - it is a joy to sit quietly at Jesus' feet and listen for His still small voice. I have always been able to relate to Mary more than Martha. I do long for the abilities of Martha, but I am thankful to have the personality of Mary if it means I am naturally drawn to sit and listen. I compare myself to the Marthas of the world and always come up lacking, but when I am sitting in the Presence of the One who made me this way, the One who knows that I will act this way, the One whose beloved I am...well, then it is alright that I am a Mary. In my spiritual adventure, perhaps the weapon given to me was stillness, and writing. This combination has given me hours of wonder, grace, peace, hope, challenge, intimacy with Someone I cannot see but who I can sense when I am quiet with pen and journal. Sitting here now, I hear the birds singing, see the deer out the kitchen window, feel the breezes, remember I am loved, and gifted, and okay. Sitting here now, I can worship and there is something very beautiful about that. Selah.

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