Wednesday, July 9, 2008


This morning I was reading Brennan Manning's The Rabbi's Heartbeat and I was reminded of the fact that I am Jesus' beloved. Yesterday's reading was on the fact that I am safe in Jesus. So, I am safe and beloved in my relationship with Jesus. In the mornings when He meets me at the end of my couch, all is quiet and it is good to sit in His presence and rest in His love. I think about being a caterpiller in a chrysalis - resting, tightly bound, protected, held still by a strength and power beyond me. In the quiet silence and stillness a metamorphis occurs, a becoming. And what emerges is BEAUTIFUL - a new creation. "If any man be in Jesus, a new creation has begun - for the moment we look to the Savior, we pass from death unto life." Not only am I a princess on the way to my throne, I am also a caterpillar becoming a beautiful butterfly. My job is to rest in His love and safety. He who began a good work in me, will be faithful to complete it. And that is beautiful.

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