Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Not just loved, but liked...

Today Brennan recalled a story of an Irish uncle who was turning 80 - on his birthday, he and his nephew went down to a lake to watch the sunrise, and suddenly the uncle skipped down the road. When asked why he was so happy, he replied "because my Abba is very fond of me!" To be liked, as well as loved, is a beautiful experience. To have someone in my life who actually likes me - who enjoys being with me - who deliberately chooses to be with me. What a grand thing - it does bring about an emotion well represented by skipping down a road at sunrise! I don't often think of God as Abba, nor of Someone who likes me in this way. But why not? He is always available to me - night or day, here or there, no matter what condition I'm in...He never leaves me or forsakes me. He gave up his life for me. He created me! He gifts me abundantly. He definitely acts like He likes me - like he enjoys being with me - he deliberately chooses to be with me. I read somewhere that He probably hangs our pictures on his refrigerator because He is proud of us, like parents do with their children. Abba - Daddy. Can I sit on your lap? And snuggle in the crook of your neck? Will you remind me today that You are fond of me? I need someone in my life who likes me. Just for me. And if I start to skip, it will be because You are so beautiful, and you make me feel beautiful, too.

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