Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fear vs. Faith

Perfect love casts out fear. She who fears is not made perfect in love.

How do I receive perfect love when fear is the inner core of my life? How do I exchange one for the other? How do I walk by faith rather than by fear? How do I live out of Who Jesus Is rather than who i am? It all sounds so great, but the living out of it is the hard part, at least for me. Fear paralyzes, faith moves. Fear closes, faith opens. Fear is darkness, faith is light.

"The true self is cowed by timdity. Buoyed up and carried on by a pwer greater than one's own, the true self finds basic security in the awareness of the present risenness of Jesus Christ. Jesus, rather than self, is always the indispensable core of ministry. "Cut off from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5) The moment we acknowledge that we are powerless, we enter into the liberating sphere of the Risen One and we are freed from anxiety over the outcome." Brennan Manning

What does it really mean to acknowledge that I am powerless?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa! How did I not know you had one of these?!?