Monday, July 21, 2008


When I let my kids go to Romania, it was scary. I hadn't felt that level of anxiety in years and I realized it was the lack of mama control I had. I'm rather used to Joe being gone now that he's had two years at Slippery Rock, but to have Haley gone as well added a new dimension to my momness. Or lack thereof. To imagine both of my kids flying over the ocean and existing on another continent...I couldn't see them, facebook them, hear them, help them...they were completely out of my control. And I know that it was just another step in letting go and beginning to more fully embrace the 'empty nest syndrome'. They shared about their experiences in church yesterday and overall this trip was a tremendous blessing for both of them. Twenty children asked Jesus into their hearts and Joe and Haley learned first hand what it means to give of themselves completely.

When Jesus gets into a heart, He whispers ideas and thoughts into a person's existence that wouldn't normally have been whispered there. Who would have imagined that Joe and Haley would spend two weeks in Romania? Who would imagine that I would ever live in Williamsport, Pennsylvania? Who would imagine that I would live so far from my mom and dad? Who would imagine that maybe my kids will be called to some land far, far away from me? Who would imagine? Scriptures says that no eye has seen, no ear has heard what God has prepared for those who love Him. What will He whisper next? Each of us hear a different whisper, different directions, different dreams, but yet the whisper comes wrapped in the same Love and Hope and Purpose. So, here's to more Romanias for Joe and Haley! And here's to more whispers of Love from our Beautiful Savior who has plans full of the unimaginable in store for each of us. Am I listening?

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