Today Brennan wrote on being loved by God - being His beloved. "When I draw life and meaning from any other source than my belovedness, I am spiritually dead. When God gets relegated to second place behind any bauble or trinket (or person, I would add), I have swapped the pearl of great price for painted fragments of glass. "Who am I?" asked Thomas Merton, and he responded, "I am one loved by Christ."
Brennan continues..."The God who grabs scalawags and ragamuffins by the scruff of the neck and raises them up to seat them with the princes and princesses of His people. Is this miracle enough for anybody? Or has the thunder of "God loved the world so much" been so muffled by the roar of religous rhetoric that we are deaf to the word that God could have tender feelings for us?
Define yourself radically as one beloved by God. This is the true self. Every other identity is illusion.
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