Friday, July 11, 2008


Even tho I am a princess and a butterfly, I am still always a peasant and a caterpillar - my shadow self coexists with my new self. The sooner I accept and embrace my "authentic self" the better off I'll be. B. Manning says "When we accept the truth of what we really are and surrender it to Jesus Christ, we are enveloped in peace, whether or not we feel ourselve to be in peace." Jesus is the only one who really knows me - my authentic self. I cannot hide from Him. I cannot wear a mask. I cannot play a game. I cannot lie. I cannot pretend. I cannot act. I can only realize that I stand before Him authentic and bare. He knows my thoughts before I think them, He knows which way I will move before I move. He created me - He knows me past, present and future. He knows my worst moment and my finest moment. And still....He loves me. It is a beautiful thing to be totally known, to be totally accepted and to be totally loved. It is a beautiful thing to have a friend and soul mate like Jesus. And He is available to each of us in that capacity. Now how beautiful is that?

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